Entries Tagged as 'Monsters'

Zombie Action Set

Here’s a corpse and a box to put him in.

Rob Carpenter's "Dead Dude""Eternal Rest-onic" by David Prochaska

If you could get this “action set” in the toy aisle at Kmart, then maybe there would still be a Kmart in our town. But, sadly, no.

Haunt friends Rob Carpenter and David Prochaska sent in these pictures. Carpenter’s screaming zombie is just chilling, and Prochaska’s carved plywood toe pincher is drop dead gorgeous. What a great set!

How to make a paper mache skeleton

Crow - A BrigandYou’ll need a stick, a skull, and a case of Mountain Dew.

“Crow” is the consequence of a dangerous experiment in paper construction. He exhibits certain scarecrow characteristics, but his kind requires a unique definition.

Brigand: Outlaw, robber, thief, member of a roving band practicing “brigandage”. Perfect.

Brigand Construction ZoneCrow’s build project is now available in our Halloween Projects section.

This over sized stick monster took about a week to build. He’s mostly newspaper with a few other odds and ends thrown in. I think there’s even a pool noodle crammed in there somewhere.

Hide some free time in a sock and bury it in the backyard before starting this project, or it’ll mostly get brigandaged away.

Build your own inscrutable paper mache skeleton. On a stick.

When we’ve all gone off to bed

Note the motivational poster of a PumpkinRot monster
Is that a bat?
Usually something interesting sitting on the workbench
The soft electric glow of the 7-Up clock keeps utter blackness from swallowing the quiet shop. Spiders whisper back and forth, high in their corners, discussing the state of the hunt behind the scrap wood bin.

Fresh sawdust and drying paper mache perfume the air, circulated by the always present whir of the floor fan beside the workbench.

It’s after hours at Snug Harbor, when all the humans have gone off to bed and other residents stretch and yawn, then shamble off to their respective haunts – behind this box, and around the corner of that doorway.

The Skeleton Crew begins its shift.

I figured since Rot was busy working in his shop today, and because he’s said entirely too many nice things about me lately, I’d pick up some of the slack and offer this…

There isn’t a more sincere haunter on the face of the planet than Pumpkin Rot. If he planted a pumpkin patch, not only would the Great Pumpkin show up, but he’d offer the guy a job. Spend a little time (okay, a lot of time) reading his blog and tell me I’m wrong. If I could pick anyone in the world I could have as a nextdoor neighbor, it would be him.

Okay, okay. Enough with the love-fest. Now back to work. :)
