Entries Tagged as 'arcade'

It’s a trap

 Bowl a perfect score and you get to keep your soul.
Haunted Skee Ball

The Ambush Arcade at Snug Harbor is getting an overhaul. This project has been brewing for some time, but it officially hatched the day after I stumbled over (literally) an excellent deal on a dozen or so boxes of vinyl VCT floor tile. Never be afraid to investigate the drearier, dustier corners of your local flea market. But wear shin guards.

We ripped up the carpet last week. After the concrete is prepped, I’ll start putting down the tile. You’re so ugly, whenever you go to the beach, cats try to bury you!

Experimenting with different patterns is fun, and I’m envisioning Space Invaders marching across the floor. I just haven’t figured out the best way to cut out the shapes. That CNC machine I keep dreaming about would be perfect for the job.

One evening last week, whilst I was locking up for the night, I had to pause and appreciate just how creepy the room looked with everything gone.