Entries Tagged as 'shadow wood'

Shadow Wood 2011

'Anxiety Gardens' at Shadow WoodNovember first is the Haunter’s New Year. Or it feels like it to me, anyway.

Another season “Whooshed!” by, and nothing left to do but coil up the extension cords and try to find enough corners to shove everything.

I often find myself reflective at this time of year, and it’s a 50/50 shot that I’ll be depressed as hell, or satisfied with … everything. That contentment can be hard to find sometimes. It’s really a choice, though, more than a consequence.

Mrs. Spookyblue taught me that and she offers refresher courses on an as-needed basis. It’s difficult to be morose in the face of buoyant enthusiasm, and at my most cantankerous is when she cheers the loudest. Partly to drown out the moans, but mostly because she means it. What a sweetie.

Shadow Wood 2011 looked a lot like Shadow Wood 2010, but with red lights. The kids didn’t notice, and more than once I overheard, “This house is always the best!” A fine compliment, I think, to ring in the new year.

“Anxiety Gardens”
at Shadow Wood

Shadow Wood

There are three ways into Shadow Wood.Welcome to Shadow Wood

Walk the road, past troll and witch,
Or roam the potter’s field,
Mind the dark things in the ditch,
Don’t test the over-keeled.

There is another way to go,
A well worn avenue,
Where friendly spirits want to throw,
A party just for you.

So make your way and move your feet,
But don’t get lost between,
The porch lights and the Tricks or Treats,
On the night of Halloween!

EnterBlue phantomCrowFlying phantom (meandering kelpie)

More Photos From Shadow Wood 2010