Obsidian Hearts
You may recall mention of a certain “Demi-corpse” that we shipped out west some time ago. Well, our snaggle-toothed friend has been very busy.
Our monster makes his film debut in the upcoming movie Obsidian Hearts. The (mostly) official trailer has been released, and although you only catch a glimpse of our fanged fiend in the first few seconds, I’m told he enjoys more of the spotlight at the beginning of the movie. He is also featured on the DVD cover art.
This marks our first incursion into the realm of cinematic horror. Or, rather, the first appearance of a prop from the Spookyblue skunk works. We don’t count that other 1.4 second on-screen blur back in 2006 when I -a zombie extra- got clocked by a biker -they hate zombies, and/or zombie extras.
You can watch the Obsidian Hearts trailer by following the link below. I should warn you, however, that the movie is rated R, and some scenes are a little racy. We’re not a pack of “Mrs. Grundy” around here, but we do try to keep things at a somewhat wholesome PG13 for the minors and folks who aren’t shocked by a blood-barfing corpse, but whose brains asplode at the sight of a decent side-boob. If that includes you, then take a pass, or avert your eyes until there are at least 18 candles on your birthday cake.
I’d say just from the female cast I saw in the trailer this movie is Academy Award material. Hoo hah! Congrats to Demi-corpse on its silver screen debut!
Looks great! I love that your prop was used on the WONDERFUL cover art! Congrats on making it into the magic world of movies!
As for the nudity – it’s nothing worse than what shows up on the average modern music-video. And since the NZ TV show ‘Outrageous Fortune’ is a family favourite around here (lots and lots and lots of sex!), I don’t think this trailer will be a problem with my folks.