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House Guarded By Shotgun 3 Days A Week. Guess Which Days.

Today’s Highlights

If you bought a brand new Apple computer back in 1977, this add promised that it would be just like you were living in “The City” from Logan’s Run but married to the blonde chick from ABBA.

Black holes more like Deep Space Nine, less like “The Black Hole” ?

You know your Christmas dinner is going to suck when …

An apple a day keeps the doctor away … but why?

Heard about the latest Mars lander we just sent? Neither did we.

Pungent stench of mildew

Jack-O-PackIt’s August and I’m still looking for that new and creepy monster to add to the graveyard this year. Ray Bradbury’s “The Halloween Tree” is a great source of inspiration, so I’m planning a few quiet evenings to re-re-re-read it.

Remember the “Endless Quest” books by TSR? ‘You have entered the door to the north. You are now by yourself, standing in a dark room. The pungent stench of mildew eminates from the wet dungeon walls.’ Okay, I’m mixing my metaphors. Endless Quest books were popular with some of the younger, nerdier d&d types. I loved them. “Choose your path to adventure!” The b&w artwork, like that in the d&d manuals, was my favorite.

I still can’t come up with a compelling reason to keep this blog.

Today’s Highlights:
Happy Cow Movies
Can Linux replace Windows?
Escher’s impossible waterfall built w/ Legos
Top 10 worst sci-fi shows
Real Harry Potter (78) gets famous every couple of years