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Timing has an awful lot to do with the outcome of a rain dance.

Reefer MadnessNeil and Bob love energy drinks, but chugging a couple of Electric Bull Juices and then trying to watch a movie proves nearly impossible.

Our 1984 prom theme was Dungeons and Dragons. Yeah, I know. I was a nerd who loved D&D and even I thought it was lame. The pungent stench of mildew eminated from the dank gymnasium walls that night.

At PHS, prom was held in the school gym. It was a catered affair with a live band that played until around 11:00. Afterwards was the “after prom entertainment”, which that year consisted of we (those who hadn’t been invited to a kegger out in the middle of a cornfield somewhere) cramming into the charmingly dilapidated Orleans theater to watch Footloose.

Every kid should have the opportunity to grow up in a hay-seed town where the Friday night football game is the topic of conversation for days before and after. Where the same four old men in overalls and trucker caps sit on the worn bench in front of the courthouse to talk cattle, carburetors, and politics. Where the local drugstore still hands out orange and black paper trick or treat bags before Halloween (okay, maybe that’s a stretch, but wouldn’t it be great?), and where the prom looks a lot like the dance at the end of Footloose, except without all the glitter, and nobody can actually dance.

There was a simplicity that we took for granted. It was enough to wax up the Oldsmobile, get dressed to the nines and eat a chicken dinner in the highschool gym. Although, looking back now I realize that my velvet-ish burgundy tux wasn’t really the fashion statement I thought I was making at the time.

If there is any point whatsoever to today’s post, some message for you to take with you into the weekend, it is this: HairoftheDogBawls is what you get when you mix two of those crazy “energy drinks” together. Guess which two. Oh, and don’t go to the prom if your tux has glitter on it…or something.

Today’s Highlights:

Perseid Meteor Shower peaks Sunday night (August 12)

If this UFO sighting were only real. Great production work, though.

Is Windows Vista (choke – hurl) actually helping Linux Desktop?

Indian Superman and Spider–…hot SpiderChick? Must look away…but…can’t

All of those who believe in psychokinesis, raise my hand

Throw the accordion on the grillEarly American Cookbook Entry:
1.) Hit food on head with hammer.
2.) Throw on fire.

Architecture in the ’70s reflects the family spiritual encentives of that time period and often illustrates the monotonous homogeneity we live in today. Take, for instance, the family fire.

Is your kitchen centerpiece a fireplace with built in grill? No? Where do you keep your fire? Where do you cook food you’ve just hit on the head with a hammer? What do you gather around when the youngest male child of the clan unpacks his accordion and stumbles through Umbrella Man and Ain’t She Sweet?

It’s both amusing and somewhat sad. Amusing because…well, come on! Look at the dorky little kid serenading big brother while he throws a couple of freshly hammered hunks of “food” on the fire. But then there’s the sad part. We traded fireplaces and accordians for TVs and the internet. Wait. If I want to hear accordion music, I can surely find it on the internet, and you can generally count on a forest fire or two on the news. Status quo preserved.

Today’s Highlights

And god saw that there were 0 errors.

Chippewa Lake Park – Pictures of an abandoned amusement park

More abandoned parks at DefunctPark.com

Heh…cat gets punked by herd of puppies

By my calculations, Slinky + escalator = neverending fun

SpookyBlue ZombieSneak peek – 2007 Zombies

Well, okay…just one zombie for now. Meet Steve, or Stewart. I can’t keep track of them anymore. This year we’ve learned how to make our own paper skulls using a resin skull from Anatomical Chart Company as a mold. There’ll be a write up about it soon.

Steve/Stewart/Cochise was built entirely out of newspaper and Elmer’s glue … including the skull. I stepped away from carpet latex to see how well the glue worked. Turns out it’s pret-ty darn well. It dries hard instead of slightly sticky like the carpet glue. Very cool, and easy to use. All the new techniques will get a full write-up soon.

By the way, I still don’t see a compelling reason to keep this blog.

Today’s favorite quote

“My wife’s boss … He’s like a petri dish of psychiatric conditions.”

Today’s Highlights

Is that a monkey under your hat, or….

Largest galactic cataclysm ever witnessed by humans!

Because there aren’t as many bells these days, every time an automatic garage door opens, an angel gets its wings.

How many collies are there in this picture?How many collies
Hannah relaxes after a marathon dethatching session. Grooming a collie takes a lot of time. About two viewings of the movie Alien. If you have a spinning wheel you can make yarn and knit yourself a new collie. That’s the principle means of reproduction in some species.

Today’s Highlights

“He should be locked up by his gills and towed to the police!”

Giant list of Linux games

Bad cops wear “Hello Kitty”, feel shame

This is your father’s barf sabre. An elegant weapon, for a more civilized time…haarrrrrgh!

World’s hairiest man has receding hairline. God chuckles.