Well-behaved children welcome
Posted on January 17th, 2013 by headspook
The rest will be made into pies
On the outskirts of civilization, where the occasional homestead or free-hold is separated by miles of corn, cows outnumber people, and two tractors meeting are likely to close a stretch of road while their drivers catch up on local gossip, there lives the far-flung haunter.
Halloween night can be a bit anticlimactic for this type. He’ll see few, if any, trick or treaters. This isn’t really an issue for the resourceful outland haunter with a healthy “build it yourself” attitude.
Hey Headspook. Haven’t heard from you for a long while.
P.S. those trick-or-treaters are fake, aren’t they
Heh … yeah, been a bit. And I guess that depends on one’s definition of “fake”.
I meant fake as in inanimate wooden frames dressed to look like innocent trick or treaters. I also noticed that the devil kid had two conspicuos looking peices of wood stapeled to either sneaker.
They’re not fake, they’re his FRIENDS.
That first paragraph sounds a bit like Halloween in New Zealand. But with sheep. And in the spring.
Great job on the trick-or-treaters, Spooky! They look fantastic! And very old-school too. The witch’s dress is wonderful.