Entries Tagged as 'Stuff'

Waterlogged Plywood

Destroyed Roof
Destroyed Roof

Anyone think that this disaster can be saved?

Our mausoleum roof is deteriorating rapidly from a bad case of the wasgonnas. I was gonna break it down and stack on the deck behind the house. I was gonna throw a tarp over it.

Yeah, I know. Bla bla bla. What did I expect? Fine. I got it. But can it be saved?

The roof is 1/4″ plywood. If I bring it inside and dry it out, I’m wondering if there is enough integrity left in the material that it can be glued and mashed back together. After that, it could be covered with a waterproof laminate.

It’s pretty squishy, so I’m not optimistic. Moisture is probably all that’s holding it together right now and it’s a good bet it will turn to dust after it dries out.

What we have here is an object lesson in “Oh, it’ll be fine”.
It almost never will.

Sunny Side

Southern Indiana: The sunny side of Louisville

Makes you wonder what this says about Louisville.

The area we live in is referred to locally as Kentuckiana, which makes for a significant identity crisis for some Hoosiers. It seems that everything around here, especially in the media, is filtered through the Louisville lens. It’s understandable, considering the size of Louisville’s population, but it sure makes Indianapolis feel a long way off. Another good reason to pitch the TV over the fence.

I never cared for the little-brother-sounding “Sunny Side” moniker, either. Outland refuges, by definition, aren’t generally found within any “Metro” district. Snug Harbor has its own roots, and we’re perfectly happy to live in southern Indiana; not Kentuckiana, or Indyucky, or Cincihoohoo, or wherever.

Anyway, I always liked this picture. We haven’t chased the balloons in a long time.

Remembering Saul

[flv:/rainbow-bridge/saul/saul.flv 400 300]

Saul passed away in February, 2010.

I’ve had a little sticky-note on the corner of my monitor for weeks now as a reminder that it was time to say my final goodbye. Each time I started to write this post, I got about this far before stopping and putting it off for “just a few more days”.

Watching our fur kids grow old is hard, but I suppose if love actually comes with a cost, then this is it. Even so, I would still do it all over again, and I probably will.

There is bittersweet comfort in knowing that not every turn in the road is hidden. That’s what makes a sunset feel soft and purple, and starlight sing, and the wind taste like apple wine.

Remembering Saul – Gallery of a collie-dog

Home Decor

From the sketch book…

This will go great in the parlor next to the ticker tape machine and cousin Farouk’s trophy.

…too obscure?

Gomez: There’s an interesting story behind that trophy – Cousin Farouk was a skin diver. And one day, he dove off a rowboat in an attempt to spear a rare type of eel. And at the same time, a fish swam up from the depths, also after the eel. They were on a collision course.

Morticia: The rest is taxidermy.

The Addams Family – Complete Series
(Excellent background noise for working out in the shop)