Pick a witch stick .:.

Collies, as I've mentioned before, possess a natural stick magnetism, and are especially helpful at collecting sticks.  This skill comes in handy when you're making a witch, because a stick makes a very handy thing on which to stick a witch.

In fact, sticks make great frames for all sorts of haunt critters.  If you don't have a readily available supply of witch sticks in your yard, then a tomato stake, or any sturdy piece of wood will do the trick.  The longer the stick, the taller the witch.  I chose a length of about 5'.

A spare Christmas tree stand not only makes a great stick holder during construction, but also does an outstanding job of displaying your witch.

Sheepdogs, celebrated companions though they are, subscribe to a work ethic altogether different from that of the collie.  Sticks are not as attracted by, nor attractive to, a sheepdog, making her stick gathering ability in need of a saving throw*.  However, she excels at cat herding, and is a superior accumulator of rubber balls.

Ah, this is obviously some strange usage of the word 'tutorial' that I wasn't previously aware of

If you are a veteran zombie builder, or if you've read our "Crow" project, "How to make a paper mache skeleton", then you already know the basic theory of a paper mache witch on a stick. Therefore, and rather than rehash old material, we'll take the "picture is worth a thousand words" approach for the rest of this section.

Get a stick, then tape a bunch of stuff to it

* If you know what a saving throw is, then you probably keep some tools and stuff in a bag of holding.  Nerd.