Out of the Blue
- Shadow Wood 2023
- Shadow Wood 2022
- Shadow Wood 2021
- Shadow Wood 2020
- Shadow Wood 2019
- By the pricking of my thumbs ...
- Not Dead Yet
- Shadow Wood 2018
- Idiographer
- Shadow Wood 2017
- Grump
- Shadow Wood 2016
- Scary Scary Night
- Shadow Wood 2015
- Just a head on a stick
- Build A Flickering LED Candle Amplifier
- 12V Haunt Lighting with Hacked LED Christmas Lights
- Light Your Haunt With Hacked LED Christmas Lights
- Introduction to a Hack
- And so on
How to avoid going to parties and meeting people: Make giant Jack-o-lanterns out of paper mache! Name them, construct lengthy background histories about them
Bruno the scarecrow has a son, he's bigger, meaner, and he lives in our garage.
And not a crow for miles around
Notes on life, Halloween, and a mostly insane, but usually beautiful world.-
Halloween haunts & projects
Halloween goodness all year round! -
Spooky Blue's Photo Gallery
Amateur photographer S. Blue shares some historical moments. Mostly dogs. Some other stuff, but mostly dogs. Great if you like dogs. -
How not to Build A Flying Crank Ghost
Create your own spooky specter out of scrap wood, a foam head, and a rotisserie motor.
Get the Tshirt! -
How to survive an outbreak of Undead
Survival tips you should read before the next outbreak of t-virus, rage, radioactive mutant plague, whatever. -
Scanner Stuff
Police scanner frequencies and codes for southern Indiana. Yeeehaa! -
Page 2
Stuff that just wouldn't fit on page 1 anymore. If you're looking for it, and it's here, you've found it.
- Our Favorite Photo
Lastest Snug Harbor pic that we liked enough to put on its own page. Sometimes a squirrel, sometimes a cloud. Sometimes updated. -
Haunted Woodshop Projects
Have fun making sawdust, rewiring things, and just barely not burning off your fingerprints with a soldering iron. - Remembering Saul
"Let dogs delight to bark, for God hath made them so"
~Isaac Watts - Remembering Ransom
"The dog is a gentleman; I hope to go to his heaven, not man's."
~Mark Twain - Remembering Gracie
If you're lucky, you'll know at least one crazy sheepdog over the course of your life. Gracie was our first. - Empire Plastics
Halloween Light Collection - Building a Haunted Shop
More than a how-to, less than informative. - Rat Prank
My wife keeps telling me I'm not funny.