Building a Mausoleum - Pg4

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A coat of monster mud is applied to the front and sides of our mausoleum.  Monster Mud is drywall joint compound and latex paint mixed at about a 5:1 ratio.  For a stiffer mud, use less paint and a photo of Sofia Vergara.

This stuff can be built up and textured, sanded, and painted.  We've only scratched the surface of possibilities here, but I get the feeling we'll be using a lot more of this goop in the future.

Local spooks begin haunting the newly excavated graveyard and mausoleum

Moving the mausoleum to its proper place in the front yard looked like a 3 Stooges re-enactment, but we managed to shuffle it to the right spot.

Our pvc wrought iron fence marks off the bone yard.   

Add some tombstones, ivy, some foam skulls, and a very cool raven (that screeches when you get near him), and you've got yourself a very spooky front yard indeed.


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